I was born the son of a carpenter. Growing up i watched and learned as my dad would build homes in Boca Raton, Florida - some of the most beautiful real estate on the East Coast. As I grew older he traded Boca for Sturbridge, Massachusetts and an entirely different style of homes. There I found my love of country homes.

After college I moved to Connecticut and ended up in a business and marketing career always searching for myself. When I realized the corporate world wasn’t for me I started my own photography business. In fact if you Google me, you will find Bryan Avigne Photography. I have been a professional photographer for many years and grew that business into a successful venture. I still love every aspect of that career.


While I was establishing the photography business I still helped my dad. However, he suffered some major health issues and wasn’t able to continue working. I finished what projects of his were left and found myself missing the renovation and building when they were done.

Because I wasn’t licensed in Massachusetts I decided to start from scratch here in CT. That’s when Sirena was born. Why Sirena? In Italian it means “mermaid”. I have a tattoo of my wife as a mermaid on my arm so I figured ‘why not build a cohesive brand?’

I still run my photography business and Sirena cohesively. I asked a good friend how I should explain to people that I do both, and her words really rang true. She said, “You are an artist through and through. Photography and carpentry are your mediums. You take pride and give such attention to detail in both.”

And that’s my story...